What are digital twins?
The ‘digital twin’ concept is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in business and marketing rhetoric, often riding the market wave trend and surrounding discussions about digitisation and industry 4.0.
The benefits of digital twins often purport to include the derisking of technology introductions, better prediction and planning and overall management of a system and greater collaboration of stakeholders.
However, precise definitions vary, which can obviate an informed dialogue between stakeholders and render the overall picture companies are promoting about their digital twins, increasingly unclear.
This article seeks to clarify the most important elements of digital twins and present a framework that can be used to map and understand the landscape to shed light on the reality and current state of the technology.
Our framework to promote consistency has been presented to industry and we hope it will be adopted to build up a growing map of knowledge.
How are digital twins relevant to rail?
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What is next for rail in the context of the evolution of digital twins technology?
The technology map shows where current implementations of this technology sit within the framework describing their level of application and complexity or scope.
Help keep this technology map up to date by sharing sharing details of your implementation of this technology.