Why do we need a Rail Technical Strategy?

The Rail Technical Strategy (RTS) sets a clear direction for the development and uptake of existing and new solutions that are essential for industry to deliver against the challenges it faces.

Since the 2012 version, the RTS has been valuable in aligning thinking and action in the UK and more widely, globally promoting the UK's world-class rail expertise and its vibrant innovation community.

The direction set in the RTS is key to informing the investment pipeline within industry organisations. Senior budget holders in infrastructure managers, vehicle owners, train and freight operators and OEMs have better visibility of the direction of travel when it comes to the technical needs and opportunities that the railway has. This in turn is essential to ensure that supply chain is stimulated to invest with confidence in innovative solutions in the most important areas.

The RTS is also important to guide the prioritization of existing dedicated research and innovation funds that the railway has and facilitate their coordination, including the establishment of easy pathways for progression through the Rail Industry Readiness Levels. It also allows the rail industry to influence and make the best of the R&D spending that exists beyond rail and the transport sector, which could have applicability to the challenges rail faces.

Why is a new edition needed?


Many longstanding challenges for rail in the UK remain and new challenges continue to emerge, especially in light of the Covid-19 global pandemic and its aftermath. In order to reinvigorate interest and achieve greater buy-in for rapid and coordinated technical progress, this new edition has been developed with the following principles in mind:

More focused, with clarity on the agreed key problems, opportunities and solutions that need industry attention, rather than attempting to create a fully comprehensive plan

More compelling, in particular, setting out the steps needed in the short term, in the context of the longer-term vision

Less R&D centric, acknowledging that research and development is only part of any successful technical strategy, and therefore putting equal emphasis on the challenges and opportunity around successful deployment and adoption

This digital edition is a living strategy which, thanks to ongoing contributions from across the industry, becomes richer over time, captures progress, and evolves to support industry long term strategy.

RTS Working Group

This edition of the RTS was created collaboratively by a working group comprising representatives from RSSB, Network Rail and both academic and industrial UKRRIN partners.

You can get in touch with the working group at rts@rssb.co.uk

Governance & acknowledgements

This edition of the RTS has been developed with wider industry engagement and support including more than 100 organisations and over 30 prominent cross-industry groups including Planning Oversight Group, the Industry Decarbonisation Task Force, each of the seven Systems Interface Committees, Customer Experience Forum, and many more. Steering was provided by the Executive Technology Leadership Group.

The working group would like to extend specific thanks to the Rail Delivery Group and Railway Industry Association for their ongoing support and input.

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