HyGe Laboratory at HORIBA MIRA
HyGe Laboratory at HORIBA MIRA
The HyGe sled facility is a key part of HORIBA MIRA’s safety offering. It provides safety-related testing services to numerous worldwide customers across an ever-increasing range of sectors. The propulsion system of the HyGe facility provides up to 100 ‘g’ of reverse acceleration and has been designed in such a way to allow HORIBA MIRA’s safety engineers to accurately replicate legislative profiles in many sectors, whilst still allowing for bespoke reverse acceleration profiles to be simulated with very short lead times. The facility is capable of delivering multiple tests each day and has fast turn-a-round times between tests as it benefits from a high capacity recharging system, multiple sled bodies which are detachable from the HyGe sled allowing different tests to be prepared, tested and decommissioned all in parallel. Each sled body has been designed to deliver optimum performance for each sector, with HORIBA MIRA having sled bodies to meet the needs of the aero, rail and automotive sectors as well as general sled used for bespoke testing and other test types. In addition, HORIBA MIRA has designed and introduced its own active side impact system (M-SIS). M-SIS is a sled body able to replicate actual vehicle side impact intrusion whilst decelerating, proving to be an effective and cost-efficient occupant restraint development tool.
HyGe 12” Pneumatic Reverse Accelerator Sled; Data acquisition systems; high speed cameras; Propulsion systems; body shell.
Acceleration profiles, vehicle side impact intrusion