DB Systemtechnik GmbH

Fuels test laboratory


Capability Statement

Everything from a single source: By examining fuels in refuelling facilities, tank wagons and vehicle tanks, we make an active contribution to quality assurance and in detecting and avoiding damage to components early on. Accredited test procedures: The proficiency of our test laboratories in Munich for testing in the following areas was flexibly accredited by Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH (DAkkS): physical, physical-chemical and chemical analyses of fuels; sampling of fuels. We can realise the following test conditions: – State-of-the-art analytical methods – Testing of diesel fuel for requirements in accordance with DIN EN 590 – Cold-weather performance of diesel fuels (winter grade) – Testing of diesel fuels for germination and mould accumulation – Cost-effective processes by way of LIMS application Condition analysis of diesel fuels in refuelling facilities: As experts in the field of analysing fuels, we provide you with professional services for assessing the fuel quality in refuelling facilities and vehicle tanks. Our analyses are a major factor in condition assessment, a tool for early diagnosis and prevention of damage to your components, and thus make a major contribution to ensuring the required quality of your fuels. The basis for optimising your maintenance costs by condition-dependent tank cleaning intervals. Quality assurance in fuel supply: A supply of high-quality fuels to ensure faultless operation is essential to every energy supply company. We can assist in monitoring fuel suppliers and refuelling facilities on a preventive basis. DB Systemtechnik is QMS certified to the ISO 9001 standard.

Capability – Systems

Fuel suppliers; refuelling facilities; tank wagons; vehicle tanks.

Capability – Testing

State-of-the-art analytical methods; Testing of diesel fuel; Cold-weather performance of diesel fuels; Cost-effective processes

Location key contacts

Name: Sergej Samjatin
Email: sergej.samjatin@deutschebahn.com



